Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Tiananmen Square, The Forbidden City, and Peking duck in China's capital city

Today we saw so much of China’s Capital city.  We took the Beijing subway system that carries 8 million people each day to Tiananmen Square.  Tiananmen Square is the largest city square in China and third largest in the world.  (I will post a photo of Alon, my new friend from Switzerland, and I.)  While we were there we were warned that many Chinese would ask to take photos with us because we might be the first Americans or even forigners they have ever seen. (I have many photos with strangers, and even more have photos of me on their phones) but we were also warned not to take photos of the Chinese soldiers in green.  While we were walking around the square we saw soldiers searching through a man's bag.  Somebody had tried to take a photo of this and was immediately approached.  This was a huge culture shock to some in our group
After seeing Tiananmen Square we walked through the Forbidden City.  It truly is beautiful, I won't even bother to post more than a few of the photos I took because they cannot do the architecture, colors, and size of this palace justice.  But I will include one of our group.
While at the Forbidden City I was asked to take many photos with people, not only Chinese people but many Egyptian people aswell.  I snapped a few photos from my point of veiw as they took turns taking photos with me and amazing over the fact I am from California. I'll post a few that I got on my camera.
After seeing so much we all tried the most famous dish of the city, Peking Duck (except the vegetarians).  I was suprised I did not like it after the yummy food we had the night before.  But, maybe it had to do with the fact he carved  the duck right in front of us. 
After lunch we went to a shopping mall and started bargaining.   I bought a fake Louis Vitton Speedy, fake Channel clutch, a blue wig, and some jade earings for about 130 American dollars.  The Chinese dollar or RNB, Yuan or "Qui" (probably not spelling that correctly) is about 6 or 7 RNB to one american dollar.  And everythong is cheaper here in China.
After a long day we relaxed amd watched an acrobatics show each performance was more beautiful and exciting than the next.  No photos or videos I took came out so I will try to post a link to some videos.

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